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We are a firm of lawyers and consultants, who started our activity in 1994. Not only for our considerable experience, but also for our location, we are highly specialized; so much so, that our specialization goes further than one or other branch of law, we concentrate on the needs of our clients, who have a very clear profile therefore have shared requirements, using the various branches of the law as and when needed.
The centre of our work is situated in an area where 80% of the population are non-Spanish, the majority being Europeans. The existence of these types of communities has generated, apart from the wealth which those retired people bring with them, a great deal of business and therefore investments, not only by Spanish businesses, but also those from other countries; the majority from the European union or the free trade area (Norway, Switzerland, etc.) but also others.
This is where personal and territorial legislations meet, where investments are carried out with extraordinary flexibility and fluidity and the transactions are always a step ahead, where our firm was created and has grown for the last 22 years.